Vintage Illustrations: Animals

Below are links to a dozen books from the internet archive that are full of useful illustrations of animals (mostly engravings). They are in the public domain, which means you can take and use them for whatever you want--artworks, photoshop brushes, etc. They are no longer copyrighted.

Use the search function (⌘ + f or control + f) on this page to search the table of contents. If you are looking for an image of a wolf, for example, hit apple f (or control f) and search this page for "wolf" to find which books have the pictures you want, and at what page number.

List of Illustrations

Pictorial Museum of Animated Nature Volume I - Mammals, Birds:

Felidae (cat-tribe) 1-11 | Marsupialia 14-23 | Orangs 26-30 | Gibbons 30-31 | Monkeys 33-39 | American monkeys 39-46 | Lemurs 46-51 | Squirrels 54-55 | Dormice 55-58 | Jerboas 58-59 | Mice 59-66 | Beaver 66 | Musquash 66 | Burrowing rats 67-70 | Utia 70 | Coypu 70 | Porcupines 70 | Chinchillas 71-74 | Pacas 74 | Agoutis 74-78 | Leporidae (Hares) 78 | Elephant 79-86 | Mastodon 87 | Hippopotamus 87-90 | Rhinoceros 90-91 | Daman or Hyrax 91- 94 | Tapirs 94 | Hogs 95-101 | Horses 102-110 | Adapis 110 | Dinotherium 111 | Toxodon 111-114 | Camels 115-120 | Llamas 121-123 | Giraffe 123-126 | Musk deer 127 | Deer 130-138 | Antelopes 139-147 | Goats 147-150 | Sheep 150-155 | Oxen 155-170 | Buffaloes 170-174 | Sloths 175-176 | Mylodon 177-178 | Scelidotherium 178 | Megatherium 178-179 | Armadilloes 179-182 | Anteaters 182-183 | Manis 183-184 | Ursidae, or Bears 185-190 | Racoon 190 | Panda 191 | Coati 191 | Kinkajou 191 | Dogs 193-202 | Wolf 203-206 | Jackal 206 | Fox 206-207 | Cape Hunting Dog 207-208 | Hyaenas 209-211 | Civets 211-212 | Cryptoprocta 211 | Ichneumons 213-214 | Weasels 215-218 | Ratel 218 | Badgers 219 | Otters 219-222 | Seals 222-226 | Bats 227-230 | Shrews 231-234 | Moles 234-235 | Hedgehog 235 | Tenrecs 235 | Gymnure 235-238 | Banxring 238 | Pachydermata, aquatic 238 | Dugong 238 | Manatee 238 | Zeuglodon 238 | Cetacea (Whales) 239 | Dolphins 239-242 | Cachalots 242-243 | Whales, proper 243-246 | Quadrumana, additions 246 | Uisidse, additions to 246 | Vivenidae, additions to 247 | Rodentia, additions to 247 | Cats, tails of 247 | Birds (Aves) 249-254 | Eagles 256-200 | Falcons 260-270 | Hawks 270-271 | Kites 271-273 | Buzzards 274-275 | Vultures 275-280 | Owls 281-284 | Caprimulgidae (Nightjars or Goatsuckers) 285-290 | Hinindinidae (Swallow) 290-295 | Todidffi (Todies) 295 | Halcyonidae (Kingfishers) 295-298 | Meropidae (Bee-eaters) 299 | Trogonidae (Trogons) 299-302 | Muscicapidae (Flycatchers) 303 | Laniadae (Shrikes) 303-306 | Coracinidae (Fruit-crows) 300 | Ampelidae (Chatterers) 306-310 | Pipridae (Cotingas and Manakins) 310 | Paridae (Tits) 310-314 | Sylviadoe (Warblers) 314-322 | Merulidac (Thrushes) 322-327 | Menuridae (Lyre-bird) 327-330 | Fringillidae (Finches) 330-339 | Sturnidae (Starlings) 339-342 | Buphagidae (Pique-Boeufs) 342 | Corvidae (Crows) 342-346 | Paradiseidae (Birds of Paradise) 346-360 | Phytotomidae (Plant-cutters) 350 | Coliadae (Colies) 350 | Musophagidae (Plantain eaters) 350 | Buceridse (Hornbills) 350-351 | Upupidae (Hoopoes) 351-352 | Scansores 354 | Ramphastidae (Toucans) 354-358 | Cuculidae (Cuckoos) 358-362 | Psittacidae (Parrots) 362-366 | Certhiadae (Creepers) 366-370 | Picidae (Woodpeckers) 370-375 | Tiochilidae (Hummingbirds) 375-379 | Cinnyridae (Sun-birds) 379 | Nectariniadae (Honeysuckers) 379 | Meliphagidae (Honeyeaters) 379 | Promeropidae (Promeropes) 379-382 | Wood-swallows 382 | Wren 382 | Goldcrest 382-383 | Wood-wren 383 | Columbidae (Pigeons) 383-390 | Rasores 390 | Phasionidae (Fowls and Pheasants) 390-398 | Tetraonidoe (Grouse) 398-400

Pictorial Museum of Animated Nature Volume II - Birds, Reptiles, Mollusca, Insects:

Frontispiece-The Boa Constrictor | Tetraonidae (Grouse and Partridges) 1-4 | Cracidae (Curassows) 6 | Megapodidae (Megapodes) 6-7 | Struthionidae (Ostriches) 8-11 | Apteryx 11-12 | Dodo 13-14 | Bustards 15 | Charadriadae (Plovers) 16-23 | Recurvirostridae (Avocets) 23-26 | Phalaropidae (Phalaropes) 26 | Rallidae (Coots, Rails,) 26-28 | Palamedeidae (Jacanas) 29-30 | Gruidae (Cranes, Herons,) 30-36 | Plataleidae (Spoonbills) 37-38 | Phoenicopteridae (Flamingoes) 38-39 | Natatores 39 | Anatidae (Swans, Ducks, Geese,) 39-54 | Colymbidae (Divers, Grebes,) 54-56 | Alcadae (Auks, Guillemots, and Puffins) 57-59 | Spheniscidae (Penguins) 59-62 | Procellaridae (Puffins, Petrels,) 62-63 | Uridae (Gulls, Terns,) 63-66 | Pelecanidae (Pelicans, Cormorants,) 66-71 | Additional specimens of Birds, 71 | Chelonia, or Tortoises 73-79 | Sauria (Lizards, Crocodiles,) 79-103 | Ophidia (Serpents) 103-107 | Colubridae (Colubrine Snakes) 107-114 | Poisonous Snakes 114-123 | Marine Snakes 123 | Snakes, various 123 | Amphibia 123-135 | Fishes, general observations upon 138-139 | Acanthopterygious Fishes 139-150 | Malacopterygious Fishes 150-172 | Cartilaginous Fishes 175 | Cuttle-fishes 177-187 | Pteropods 187-191 | Pulmonobranchiata 194-199 | Nudibranchiata 199-206 | Inferobranchiata 206 | Tectibranchiata 206-210 | Heteropoda 210 | Pectinibranchiata 210-243 | Tubulibranchiata 243-246 | Scutibranchiata 246-247 | Cyclobranchiata 247-251 | Conchifera (Bivalve-shelled Mollusks) 251-287 | Tunicata (Tunicate Mollusks) 289-291 | Brachiopoda 291 | Cirrhopoda 291-298 | Crustacea, observations on 298-302 | Decapoda, Brachyurous 302-314 | Decapoda, Anomurous 314-316 | Decapoda, Macrurous 317-322 | Stomopoda 322-323 | Amphipoda 323 | Laemodipoda 323 | Isopoda 323-326 | Entomostraca 326-327 | Xiphosura 327-328 | Arachnidae (Spiders and Scorpions) 329-332 | Insecta (Insects) 333-397 | Myriapoda 398-399 | Annelida 399-402 | Echinodermata 402-406 | Coelelmintha 406 | Rotifera 406-407 | Bryozoa 407 | Sponges, Zoophytes, Corals, Actiniae 407-418 | Polygastrica 418-419 | AcalephiB 419-423 | Sterelraintha 423-425

Illustrated natural history of the three kingdoms:

Lion, Lioness, and Young 3 | Cattle Short-horned breed 21 | The double-crested and violet-crowned, do. 26 | The Duchess of Rovili's, and spotted saw-billed, do. 26 | The Camel Leopard of North America 33. | The Gnu. 38 | European Ibex, and Bearded Argali 41 | The Flamingo. 51 | The Tiger. 57 | The American Bison. 68 | The African Buffalo. 76 | The Spermaceti Whale. 80 | The Greenland Whale 80 | The Elephant, Male, Female, and Young. 107 | The Rhinoceros 135 | Sheep The Leicester and Black-faced 139 | The Indian Pheasant. 148 | The Alligator. 148 | The Grey Hound. 159 | The Spaniel. 159 | The Pointer. 167 | The Fox Hound. 168 | The Harrier. 169 | The Beagle and Terriers. 169 | The Cock, Hen, and Chickens. 171 | The Camel and Dromedary 178 | The Pelicans 203 | The American Jaguar, Male and Female. Plates 209 | The Dolphins 214 | The Robin 219 | The Blue Bird 221 | The Antelopes 230 | The Civet. 237 | The Genet 239 | The Meadow Lark 241 | The Snow Bird 244 | The Sea Serpents 247 | The Bears 257 | The Otter 263 | The Bat 271 | The Hornet 279 A Bear Robbing a Bee Hive 280 | The Glutton 289 | The Pole Cat 294 | The Swan 297 | The Walrus 304 | The Frog 308 | The Musk 321 | The Skunk 325 | The Rein Deer 327 | The Woodcock 34 | The Raccoon 353 | The Lynx 356 Red-tailed Hawk and American Sparrow Hawk 360 | The Seals-The Mitred 374 | The Fur Seal of Commerce 375

Illustrated Natural History:

European 18 | Ottoman 19 | Mongol 20 | Ethiopian 21 | Malay 21 | American Indian 22 | Abyssinian 22 | Kamschatkadales 23 | Hottentot 24 | Orang-outan 30 | Chimpanzee 81 | Long-armed Gibbon 32 | Hand of Long-armed Gibbon 32 | Face of Proboscis Monkey 32 | Pigmy Ape 33 | Mandrill 34 | Dog-Faced Baboon 36 | Maimon 36 | Howling Monkey 37 | Red Monkey 38 | Slender Doris 40 | Common Bat 41 | Vampire Bat 42 | Spectre Bat 43 | Lion 45 | Lioness 47 | Tiger 49 | Cougar 50 | Leopard 61 | Wild Cat 53 | Lynx 66 | Canada Lynx 67 | Ichneumon 58 | Javanese Civet 69 | New Holland Dog 61 | Highland Greyhound 61 | St. Bernard Dog 63 | Newfoundland Dog 64 | Esquimaux Dog 65 | Setter 68 | Mastiff 69 | Scotch Terrier 71 | Wolf 73 | Jackal 75 | Fox 76 | Striped Hyena 78 | Weasel 80 | Ferret 81 | Pine Marten 82 | Marten 82 | Otter 34 | Black Bear 86 | Brown Bear 88 | Raccoon 90 | Badger 91 | Seal 92 | Hedgehog 98 | Mole 100 | Water-Rat 104 | Mole-Rat 106 | Short-tailed Field Mice 108 | Beaver 109 | Porcupine 111 | Agouti 112 | Polish Marmot 113 | Hare 116 | Rabbit 116 | Squirrel 118 | Great Ant-eater 124 | Great Kangaroo 120 | Duck-billed Platypus 130 | Scottish Wild Ox 133 | Bull 134 | Zebu 135 | Buffalo 136 | Bison 138 | Musk Ox 140 | Harnessed Antelope 142 | Springbok 144 | Gazelle 145 | Chamois 146 | Ibex 148 | Common Goat 141 | Syrian Goat 160 | Common Sheep 161 | Wallachian Sheep 161 | Tartar Sheep 152 | Giraffe 153 | Camel 165 | Dromedary 158 | Llama 159 | Musk Deer 161 | Stag 162 | Hind and Fawn 163 | Fallow Deer - 165 | Rein Deer 166 | Elk 167 | Wild Horse 168 | Arabian Horses 169 | Mule 170 | Domestic Ass 171 | Wild Ass 172 | Zebra 173 | Asiatic Elephant: 176 | Tapir 177 | Wild Boar 179 | Sow 180 | Boar 181 | Babyroussa 182 | Single-horned Rhinoceros 184 | Double-horned Rhinoceros 186 | Hippopotamus 188 | Greenland Whale 192 | Condor 206 | Great California Vulture 206 | Bearded Vulture 207 | King Vulture 208 | Griffin Vulture 208 | Egyptian Vulture 209 | Golden Eagle 210 | Bearded Eagle 212 | Bald Eagle 213 | Sea Eagle 215 | Osprey 216 | Common Buzzard 217 | Kite 219 | Swallow-tailed Falcon 220 | Common Falcon 320 | Gyr-Falcon 221 | Kestrel 221 | Common Hawk 223 | Night Hawk 224 | Hawk Lannarius 225 | Eagle Owl 227 | Egyptian Owl 229 | Raven 233 | Crow 236 | Emerald Bird of Paradise 238 | Six-shafted Bird of Paradise 238 | Baltimore Oriole 240 | Common Starling 240 | Grosbeak 241 | Sparrow 243 | Rhinoceros Hornbill 246 | Wagtail 249 | Thrushes 25C | Mocking Bird 251 | Golden Oriole 252, | Spotted Fly-Catcher 253 | Head of Shrike 254 | Lapwing 257 | Humming-bird 258 | Swallow 260 | Sea Swallow 262 | Trogon 263 | Common Kingfisher 264 | Crested Kingfisher 264 | Bee-Eater 264 | Toucan 265 | Ringed Parakeet 267 | Sulphur-crested Cockatoo 267 | Woodpecker 268 | Cuckoo 269 | Turtle Dove 271 | Carrier Dove 272 | Domestic Dove 273 | Ring Dove 274 | Peacock 275 | Horned Pheasant 276 | Crested Pheasant 277 | Silver Pheasant 277 | Golden Pheasant 277 | Cock 278 | Tailless Cock 278 | Crested Fowl 279 | Bantam Cook 279 | Hen and Chickens 280 | Wild Turkey 280 | Domestic Turkey 281 | Common Partridge 282 | Red-legged Partridge 283 | Quail 284 | Red Grouse 285 | Ptarmigan 286 | Ostrich 287 | Dodo 289 | Great Bustard 290 | Long-legged Plover 291 | Crane 292 | Heron, 293 | Bittern 294 | Stork 295 | Adjutant 296 | Ibis 297 | Snipe 298 | Ruff 299 | Flamingo 300 | Bernicle Goose 301 | Domestic Goose 302 | Whistling Swan 803 | Tame or Mute Swan 304 | Canvas-back Duck 305 | Muscovy Duck 305 | Common Duck 306 | Tern 309 | Cormorant 310 | Pelican 311 | Nimble Lizard 314 | Salamander Lizard 815 | Common Iguana 317 | Flying Dragon 318 | Chameleon 319 | Crocodile 320 | Alligator 322 | Rattlesnake 323 | Head of Rattlesnake 323 | Viper 324 | Head of Viper 325 | Asp 326 | Cobra de Capello 327 | Land Tortoise 328 | Green Turtle 328 | Common Frog 330 | Common Toad 381 | Skeleton of Perch 834 | Perch 835 | Sea-horse 337 | Dace 839 | Loach 340 | Pike 340 | Salmon 342 | Trout 343 | Herring 343 | Shad 344 | Cod 344 | Turbot 345 | Common Eel 346 | Conger Eel 347 | Sturgeon 348 | Head of White Shark 349 | Torpedo 350 | Digestive Apparatus of Beetle 353 | Beetle 354 | Hercules Beetle 356 | Carrion Beetle 357 | Cockchaffer Beetle 360 | Rove Beetles 361 | Glow Worm 362 | Locust 364 | Amboyna Locust 364 | Grasshopper 366 | Plant Lice 367 | Scale Insect 368 | Silkworm 369 | Butterfly 369 | Caterpillars 370 | White Butterfly 371 | Swallow-tailed Butterfly 371 | Moths 372 | Brown-tailed Moth 374 | Clothes Moth 376 | Ephemerae 378 | Dragon-Fly 379 | White Ants 381 | Habitations of White Ants 381 | Bees 383 | Queen Bee 384 | Working Bee 384 | Drone 384 | Sting of Bee 386 | Bees Swarming 385 | Common Wasp 887 | Hornet 388 | Gnat 390 | Horse-Bot 392 | Large Black Fly 392 | Flea 393 | Garden Spider 396 | Scorpion 397 | Crab 399 | Lobster 401 | Shells 403 | Snail 405 | Pearl Oyster 408 | Earth Worms 411 | Horse-Leech 412 | Animalcules 415

New Illustrated Natural History of the World

Colored Images

Tiger Frontispiece | Silvery Gibbon Chimpanzee 8 | Pig-tailed Macaque Diana Monkey Mandrill 26 | Leopard Lion 56 | Striped Hyrena Black-backed Jackal Wolf 80 | Polar Bear Grizzly Bear 104 | Beaver Porcupine 134 | African Rhinoceros Indian Elephant 144 | American Tapir Mountain Zebra 152 | Urial Barbary Sheep 164 | Springbok -Eland 176 | Wapiti Deer Axis Deer 192 | Hippopotamus Bactrian Camel 214 | Kangaroo Sloth 224 | Sedge Warbler - Whinchat - Redbreast - Goldfinch - Lesser Whitethroat - Blue Tit - Song Thrush - Dipper 256 | Great Spotted Woodpecker - Nightjar - Bee-eater - Kingfisher - Cuckoo 304 | Osprey - Golden Eagle - Kestrel - Honey Buzzard 328 | Capercaille - Snipe - Woodcock - Amherst's Pheasant 358 | Common Gull - Stormy Petrel - Avocet - Redshank - Great Northern Diver 376 | Pond Tortoise - Green Turtle - Mississippi Alligator 400 | Heloderm - Diamond Rattle-Snake - Royal Python 416 | Perch - Trout - Salmon 450 | Flying Fish Red Fire-fish 464 | Peacock Butterfly - Red Admiral Butterfly - Marbled White Butterfly - Cream-Spot Tiger Moth - Swallow-tailed Butterfly - Eyed Hawk-Moth - Puss Moth 502

Regular Images

Young Gorilla 9 | Indian Wild Dog 83 | Young Orang-Utans 12 | Dingo and Young 84 | Siamang 14 | Cape Hunting Dog 85 | White-thighed Guereza 17 | Common Fox 87 | Green Monkey 18 | Arctic Fox 88 | Vervet Monkey 19 | Fennec 89 | Rolloway Monkey 20 | Pine Marten 90 | Patas Monkey 21 | Polecat 91 | Hamlyn's Mangabey 22 | Ferret 93 | Wanderoo 24 | Canadian Skunk 95 | Barbary Ape 25 | Common Badger 97 | Chacma 27 | European Otter 98 | Variegated Spider Monkey 30 | Raccoon 100 | Capuchin Monkey 31 | Coaiti 101 | White-headed Saki 32 | Kinkajou 102 | Black-eared Marmoset 34 | Brown Bear 103 | Ruffed Lemurs 36 | Malayan Bear 105 | Maholi Galago 37 | Sloth Bear 106 | Slender Loris 38 | Common Seals 110 | Aye-Aye 39 | Sea Lion 114 | Long-eared Bat 41 | Young Walrus 117 | Greater Horseshoe Bat 43 | English Squirrel 119 | Australian Fruit Bat 45 | Grey Squirrel 120 | Hedgehog 47 | Prairie Marmot 123 | Mole 50 | Jerboa 125 | Common Shrew 51 | Black Rat 128 | Tenrec 53 | Field Vole 129 | Lion Cub 57 | Musquash 131 | Sumatran Tiger 61 | Hamster 132 | Jaguar 64 | Dormice 133 | Puma 66 | Brazilian Tree Porcupine 135 | Ocelot 67 | Agouti 136 | Serval 67 | Capybara 138 | Wild Cat 68 | Chinchilla 139 | European Lynx 69 | Viscacha 139 | Caracal 70 | Hare 140 | Cheetah 71 | Dutch Rabbit 142 | Common Civet 72 | Hyrax 143 | Genet 73 | Indian Elephant 146 | Indian Mongoose 74 | African Elephant 148 | Aard Wolf 75 | Malayan Tapir 149 | Spotted Hyaena 77 | Rhinoceros 150 | Young Wolves and Foster Mother 79 | Mongolian Wild Horse 153 | Wild Ass and Foal 155 | Prairie Wolf 81 | Burchell's Zebra 156 | Indian Jackal 82 | Zebu 158 | Yak 160 | American Bison 161 | Dwarf Buffalo 162 | Merino Sheep. 165 | Mouflon 1 66 | Tur 169 | Markhor 170 | Takin 172 | Chamois 174 | Beatrix Antelope 176 | Sable Antelope 177 | Dorcas Gazelle 178 | Sing-Sing Waterbuck 1 80 | Brindled Gnu 182 | Dik-Dik Antelope 184 | Giraffe 186 | Giraffe in drinking attitude 187 | Okapi 188 | Red Deer 191 | Sambar Deer 195 | Albino Muntjac 197 | Reindeer 198 | Musk Deer 202 | Indian Chevrotain 203 | Young Dromedary 204 | Llama 206 | European Wild Pig 208 | Wart Hog 210 | Babirusa 211 | Collared Peccary 212 | Young Hippopotamus 213 | Dugong 216 | Common Rorqual 219 | Porpoise 223 | Great Ant-Eater 225 | Broad-banded Armadillo. 227 | Aardvark 228 | Tree Kangaroos 230 | Red-necked Wallaby 232 | Spotted Cuscus 233 | Ring-tailed Phalanger 234 | Sugar Squirrel 235 | Wombat 237 | Rabbit-eared Bandicoot 237 | Tasmanian Devil 239 | Thylacine 240 | Duckbill 242 | Echidna 243 | Condor's Wing 250 | Blackbird 255 | Redstart 257 | Nightingale 259 | Blackcap 262 | Wood Warbler 265 | Greenfinch 267 | Chaffinch 268 | Linnet 269 | Bullfinch 271 | Cirl Bunting 273 | Long-tailed Tit 275 | Wren 277 | Skylark 278 | Yellow Wagtail 280 | Tree Pipit 281 | Swallow 282 | Ravens 286 | Hooded Crow 287 | Jackdaw 289 | Jay 291 | Tree-Creeper 293 | Pied Flycatcher 294 | Great Grey Shrike 295 | Waxwing 296 | Nests of Weaver Finches 298 | Greater Bird of Paradise 299 | Lyre Bird 301 | Cock of the Rock 303 | Ariel Toucan 305 | Wryneck 307 | Hoopoe 308 | Concave Hornbill 310 | Humming-Bird 312 | Grey Parrot 314 | Greater Sulphur-crested | Cockatoo 316 | Red and Blue Macaw 317 | Barn Owl 319 | Snowy Owl 321 | Peregrine Falcon 323 | Common Kite 326 | Sparrow Hawk 327 | White-tailed Sea-Eagle 329 | Monkey-eating Eagle 331 | Lammergeier 333 | Secretary-Bird 334 | Condor 336 | Gannet 338 | Pelican 339 | Flamingoes 340 | White Heron 342 | Little Bittern 343 | Marabou Stork 344 | Spoonbill 345 | Egyptian Goose 347 | Mute Swans 348 | Variegated Sheld-ducks 350 | Blue-tailed Fruit Pigeons 353 | Young Turtle Doves 354 | Willow Grouse 356 | Partridge 357 | Common Pheasant 358 | Peacock 360 | American Wild Turkey 362 | Crested Curassow 364 | Australian Rail 366 | Coot 367 | Great Bustard 368 | Common Crane 369 | Ringed Plover 371 | Black Oyster-Catcher 372 | Curlew 374 | Greater Black-backed Gull 377 | Common Tern 378 | Great Skua 379 | Puffin 382 | Little Grebe 384 | Penguins 386 | Somali Ostrich 388 | Kiwi 389 | Eggs of Python, Hen, and Crocodile 394 | Broad-fronted Crocodile 397 | Rough-eyed Caiman 399 | Elephantine Tortoise 403 | Snapping Turtle 404 | Matamata Tortoise 406 | Sand Lizard 409 | Moloch Lizard 410 | Iguana 412 | Chameleon 415 | Skull of Indian Python 417 | Ringed Snakes emerging eggs 419 | Black and White Cobra 421 | British Viper 422 | Puff Adder 423 | Common Boa 427 | Edible Frog 432 | Natterjack Toad 434 | Giant Toad 435 | Spotted Salamander 436 | Crested Newt 437 | Fins of a Fish 441 | Saw-fish 443 | Basking Shark 446 | Whip-tailed Sting Ray 448 | Sturgeon 449 | Rainbow Trout 452 | Herring 453 | Cat-fish 455 | Roach 457 | Conger Eel 459 | Pike 460 | Three-spined Stickleback 462 | Cod 465 | Pope, or Ruffe 467 | Mackerel 470 | Sword-fish 47i | John Dory 472 | Mud-Skipper 474 | Sucking-fish 476 | Lesser Spotted Globe-Fish 478 | Squid, or Cuttle-fish 486 | Scorpion-Shell 488 | Giant Snail 489 | Great Clam-shell 491 | Leaf Insect 494 | Stick-insects 495 | Migratory Locust 496 | Termites' Nest 499 | Great Atlas Moth 504 | Cecropian Silk-moth 505 | Red Ants 509 | Wasp 510 | Hornet 510 | Humble-Bee 511 | Leaf -cutting Bee 512 | Stag Beetle 518 | Hercules Beetle 519 | River Crab 523 | Stone-Crab 525 | Prawns 527 | Bird-eating Spider 530 | Trap-door Spider's Nest 531 | Spanish Scorpion 532 | Red-legged Millipedes 535 | Sea-Urchin 538 | Star-fish 539 | Sea-Cucumber 540 | Beadlet Anemone 542 | Stag's-horn Coral 544 | Lyssacine Sponge 545 | Euplectellid Sponge 546

List of Subjects

Some of the below subjects have accompanying images, but not all.

Grand Illustrated Encyclopedia of Animated Nature

Races Of Men, 7-30 | Monkeys, 30-39 | Lemur, Aye-aye, 40-41 | Bats, 42-43 | Cats, 44-56 | Dogs, Wolf, Fox, Hyaena, 67-66 | Ichneumon, Weasels, 67-69 | Rats, Paca, Agouti, Mole, 70-74 | Sloth, Carcajou, Badger, Otter, 75-82 | Bears, Raccoon, Coati, Kinkajou, 83-92 | Marsupial Animals, 93-96 | Seals, Jerboa, Hedgehog, Porcupine, Marmot, 97-104 | Chinchilla, Marmot, Beaver, Squirrel, 106-112 | Rabbit And Hare, 113 | Ox, Bison, Buffalo, 114-124 | Antelopes, 125-131 | Goats, 132-136 | Sheep, 137-142 | Giraffe, 143-147 | Camel, Llama, 148-152 | Deer, 153-162 | Horse, Ass, Zebra, Quagga, 163-169 | Elephant, 170-174 | Hog, Rhinoceros, Hippopotamus, 175-186 | Hykax, Armadillo, Manis, Anteater, Ornithorhyncus, 187-189 | Cetacea, 190-198 | Rapacious Birds Eagle, Vulture, Hawk, Owl, 197-213 | Goatsucker, Swallow, Martin, Kingfisher, 214-218 | Pigeons, 219-224 | Finches, Thrushes, Flycatchers, Buntings, 225-230 | Warblers, 231-236 | Tits, Rook, Cuckoo, 237-241 | Toucan, Parrots, 241-245 | Birds Of Paradise, Lyre Bird, 246-249 | Gallinacious Birds: Turkey, Domestic Fowl, Peacock, Pintada, 250-255 | Pheasants, Grouse, Bustards, 256-262 | Ostrich, Cassowary, Emu, Dodo, 263-264 | Hummingbirds, Mocking Bird, 265-267 | Cat Bird, Robin, Chatterers, Wrens, Sparrows, Waxwinos, Woodpeckers, Larks, 268-279 | Crows And Jays, 280-282 | Weaver Bird, Trogons, Chaja, Cereopsis, 283-286 | Heron, Stork, Adjutant, Cariama, 287-290 | Water Birds, 291-318 | Reptiles, 319-329 | Fishes, 330-349 | Insects, 350-360 | Crustacea, 861-365 | Mollusca, 3g6-379 | Radiata. 880-384

Bonus Tips

Try varying your search term for better results. Antiquated spellings or Latin names may be present in these old books, so searching for part of your term ("aard") instead of the full thing may get you better results ("aardvark" and "aard-vark"). Additionally, some of the images are titled with an animal's Latin family or order. Searching "cetacean" may get you more results than "whale". Have a look at wikipedia for some help with that business.

Additional resources

Illustrated Natural History: arranged for young readers

The following books do not list their images in a table of contents, but have an index of subjects at the end:

Illustrated Natural History - Mammalia
Illustrated Natural History - Reptile, Fishes, Molluscs
Illustrated Natural History - Birds
Zoological science
Animal communities in temperate America